Friday, September 26, 2008

First Post!!!

I'm Kelly and I'm very new to this (blogspot and being a vegetarian both).
I was living a Xanga life for
years as a means to stay in touch with friends who were too busy with their college careers, newly approaching career life and even more quickly approaching adult life.
Now here I am a blogspot. The inspiration came from all of the new vegan and vegetarian blogs I have become newly obsessed with.,
This leads me to the title. My New Vegetarian Life. I'm brand new to this and hope to acclimate quickly.
I decided to become vegetarian after years and years of thinking about it but never having the hutspah, then making college friends who were vegetarian and vegan, and finally reading one too many and watching one too many revealing articles and videos online. Then came the life altering book, SKINNY BITCH *angels sing on high*. Reading this book will freaking change your entire perspective on the food industry as a whole. Not just the meat producing part of it, but sugar, milk, flour, organics, the USDA, your school lunches, EVERYTHING food related in your life. Did you know that oranges you buy in the grocery store have been found to not have any vitamin C at all?? Just from being over produced and over grown and over chemicalized well, to put it simply, NON-ORGANIC.

Most of the recipes I will post on here will be simpler than simple. even more simple than the vegan blogs boast. Sometimes its just singing the praises of the vegetarian faux meat industry. (Did you know Morning star's Buffalo Chick`n Bites taste so real you'll have to check the box to make sure you bought the right ones? Same goes fo the mini-corn dogs. They had me fooled, fools.)

I also recently made the decision to try and go vegan as a birthday present to myself for my 25th birthday, November 10th. I try here and there. Milk is gone from my diet, since about 2 months ago. Only soy milk for me! It's easy with Silk's chocolate soy taste like real chocolate milk. Eggs should be easy, there's egg replacers everywhere (I'll often quote links to other blogs who have tested these products such as egg replacers and soy cheese and what not), but it's that damn cheese that sneaks in everywhere that I cant let go of.

Will you help me on my journey?